The Politics of Public Space I
In times of a pandemic crisis, individual freedom of movement and social life are curtailed for the sake of public health. In our cities, restrictive rules and directives from local governments particularly impact on how we (are allowed to) use public space. With every new directive we need to re-adjust, re-align and re-configure our way in which we navigate – if at all – the city. These times raise new questions concerning the right to the city, or more specifically the right to public space.
While drifting through the city, in this associative acoustic city walk our participants are exposed to a range of different voices and approaches that critically reflect on the politics of public space in general and on public space in times of a pandemic crisis in particular. Local urbanists, sociologists, architects, planners and urban actors read out classic texts or talk about their own approach on topics such as diversity, digitalization, gender, the state of exception, homlessness, and surveillance in relation to public space.
Obdachlosigkeit und Öffentlicher Raum
Dr. Lisa Vollmer (Stadtforscherin – Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) über Baracken im 19. Jahrundert und Obdachlosigkeit unter Covid-19
The Physical and the Social City
Dr. Anna Steigemann (Urban Sociologist – TU Berlin) reads Michael Sorkin
Auszüge aus SARS-CoV-2 Eindämmungsmaßnahmenverordnung gelesen von Michael Stütz
Street Level Bureaucracy
Dr. Christian Haid (Sociologist – POLOGONAL) on street level bureaucracy
Twittermeldungen der Berliner Polizei (23.März bis 4.April 2020) gelesen von Michael Stütz
Is this a Dream?
Tinatin Gurgenidze (Architect and Urban Researcher – Co-Founder of the Tbilisi Biennial) reads her corona diary
Digitale Überwachung und Corona
Dr. Moritz Ahlert (Stadtforscher – TU Berlin) zu digitaler Überwachung und Corona
Street Fight
Dr. Annika Levels (Urban Planner – Urbanizers Berlin) reads Jason Henderson
Stadt und Epidemie
Dr. Antonio Carbone (Historiker – Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom) zu öffentlichem und privatem Raum in Zeiten von Epidemien
Körper in Bewegung und die Politik der Straße
Nora Unger (Kulturwissenschaftlerin) liest Judith Butler
All the Single Ladies
Dr. Annika Levels (Urban Planner – Urbanizers Berlin) reads Rebecca Traister
Zones of Exceptions
Dr. Christian Haid (Sociologist – POLIGONAL) on street level bureaucracy
Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben
Dr. Nihad El-Kayed (Sozialwissenschaftlerin – HU Berlin) liest Georg Simmel
Throwntogetherness: An Ideal?
Lukas Staudinger (Architect – POLIGONAL) reads Doreen Massey
Eyes on the Street
Dr. Nihad El-Kayed (Social Scientist – HU Berlin) reads Jane Jacobs